Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Wine Time

Beings that I love anything
 (no box mixes for me)
wine isn't any different.
We were inspired by some
family friends
 and had been talking about this for a while,
so I was ecstatic when my beau got me 
homemade wine making equipment
for Christmas
(and coincidentally, my parents got
him the same thing)
Either way, we were making
Starting out is a little spendy, but once you have equipment, you are pretty much good to go.
I recommend trying to anyone that loves wine and enjoys making anything
Shane is sh sh shakin' it to sterilize the carboy.
This recipe was a mead, or honey wine.
The recipe also included raisins, whole cloves, cinnamon sticks, oranges, and nutmeg.

We also made strawberry wine a few weeks earlier.
(Any of these recipes can be found online.)
Too bad it takes weeks to ferment
'cause I'm ready for some wine!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013

Yesterday was the last day of
but that's not all...
It was also my fellow Modern Old Soul and her hubby's
1st wedding anniversary!
What a good way to start out the new year!
My holiday season was filled with too much
 not enough
 and some fun
My grandparents let us dig through some stuff
from both of their families. 
is from my great grandpa's sister

I think it's so awesome how things like this were kept in
our family for so long. 
Lovin' the detail on this board.
I also inherited the two jars. 
They were both used for creams but I can't get over how
they are. 

Love the character on this jar..
And the color of this one.
You sure don't find anything like this today.

I couldn't resist the

They were my grandpa's sister's books from when she was little.  I love that they are a little beat up and SO

Finally, I had to take this scrabble board.  It was my grandma's when she was younger. 

I likely won't play scrabble, but those letters have endless possibilites.   
Some people I know complained about the year
but I think everyone who has made it to
 is blessed beyond words. 
Have a happy and blessed 2013. 
